1. Introduction
2. The Transit Report
- REPORT: 1.1 Background
- REPORT: 1.2 Schapelle Corby
- REPORT: 2.1 Luggage Tags & Screening Records
- REPORT: 2.2 The Question Of Weight
- REPORT: 2.3 Airside - Behind The Scenes
- REPORT: 2.4 Missing Records & Political Reaction
- REPORT: 2.5 The Culture Of Cover-Up
- REPORT: 2.6 The Fate Of The Boogie Board Bag
- REPORT: 3.1 CCTV - Introduction
- REPORT: 3.2 First Steps
- REPORT: 3.3 The CCTV Location
- REPORT: 3.4 Drug Syndication At Sydney Airport
- REPORT: 4. Recorded Anomalies & Findings
3. Exhibit Set 1
- EXHIBIT: Amended Letter On Boogie-Board Bag Scanning
- EXHIBIT: A Carefully Crafted Position
- EXHIBIT: The Kessing Referral Letter
- EXHIBIT: Preparing The Script
- EXHIBIT: Kevin Rudd Letter To Alexander Downer
- EXHIBIT: Christopher Ellison's Template Response
- EXHIBIT: Schapelle Corby - The Hot Potato
- EXHIBIT: Baggage Handler Work Roster
- EXHIBIT: Christopher Ellison And The Kessing Reports
4. The Absence Of Motive
5. The Mutual Evasion Report
- REPORT: 1.1 Introduction - Schapelle Corby's Pursuit
- REPORT: 2.1 Australian Government - The Surface
- REPORT: 2.2 Australian Government - Chronology
- REPORT: 3.1 The Indonesian Legal Process
- REPORT: 4.1 Australian Misrepresentation
6. The Allan Kessing Interview
7. The Whitewash Report
- REPORT: 1 Introduction - The Complaint
- REPORT: 2 The ACLEI Assessment
- REPORT: 3. The Acting Integrity Commissioner
- REPORT: 4. Findings And Conclusions
- REPORT: Appendix
8. Exhibit Set 2
- EXHIBIT: Qantas v SACL – The Veil Slips (Hansard)
- EXHIBIT: The Mechanics Of Sacrifice - The Cable
- EXHIBIT: The Mechanics Of Sacrifice - The Meeting
- EXHIBIT: AFP Duplicity - The Changing DFAT Request
- EXHIBIT: DFAT Duplicity - The Marijuana Testing Request
- EXHIBIT: AFP Duplicity - The Marijuana Testing Request
- EXHIBIT: Brisbane Airport - The Missing CCTV Footage
- EXHIBIT: Misleading The Media, The Public & The Bali Court
- EXHIBIT: AFP Letter To Seven Network (Closure)
9. The Supplementary Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. The Australian Customs Service
- REPORT: 4. Qantas Airways Ltd
- REPORT: 5. Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd (SACL)
- REPORT: 6. Findings & Conclusions
10. The Show Trial Report
- REPORT: 1 General Breaches
- REPORT: 2 Chronological Report Of Individual Breaches
- REPORT: 3. Further Breaches & Notes
- REPORT: Appendix A: The Refusal To Test The Evidence
- REPORT: Appendix B: The Principle Of Judicial Independence
- REPORT: Appendix C: The Australian Government
- REPORT: References
11. The William Moss Interview
12. Exhibit Set 3
- EXHIBIT: Schapelle Corby's Plea For Justice
- EXHIBIT: The Sentence Discrimination Complaint
- EXHIBIT: Public Evasion By The Prime Minister
- EXHIBIT: Consular Report On Plea For Government Honesty
- EXHIBIT: Consular Report On Forensic Testing
- EXHIBIT: AFP Commissioner Keelty's Media Commentary
13. The Insider Report
- REPORT: 1 Introduction
- REPORT: 2 Trowell & The Appeal
- REPORT: 3. The State Tribunal
- REPORT: 4. The Outcome
14. The PowderGate Report
- REPORT: 1 Introduction
- REPORT: 2 Exploitation & Impact
- REPORT: 3. Misinformation & Manipulation
- REPORT: 4. Summary
15. The Political Seizure Report
16. The DFAT Network Report
17. Exhibit Set 4
- EXHIBIT: Paris Hotman's Insights
- EXHIBIT: Law Council & AFP Commissioner Keelty
- EXHIBIT: A Mutual Assistance Request
- EXHIBIT: A Gift From The State, Indemnity From Prosecution
- EXHIBIT: Queensland Police Certificates
- EXHIBIT: The Withholding Of The Kessing Reports
- EXHIBIT: Unanswered Questions (Aviation Security)
- EXHIBIT: Kevin Rudd, Alexander Downer & The Bali Tourists
18. The FOI Abuse Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- REPORT: 3. The Customs & Border Protection Service
- REPORT: 4. The Commonwealth Director Of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
- REPORT: 5. The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT)
- REPORT: 6. The Department of Infrastructure & Transport
- REPORT: 7. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
- REPORT: 8. The Prime Minister's Department
- REPORT: 9. The Australian Federal Police (AFP)
- REPORT: 10. Summary & Conclusions
19. The Primary Smear Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2.1. Lateline - The Approach
- REPORT: 2.2. Lateline - As Presented
- REPORT: 2.3. Lateline - The Sources
- REPORT: 2.4. Lateline - The Police
- REPORT: 2.5. Lateline - The Delivery
- REPORT: 2.6. Lateline - The Damage
- REPORT: 3.1. McCauley - The Photographs
- REPORT: 3.2. McCauley - The Source
- REPORT: 3.3. McCauley - Duff's Exclusive
- REPORT: 3.4. McCauley - The Police
- REPORT: 4. Impact & Damage
20. Exhibit Set 5
- EXHIBIT: Another Example Of Airport Criminality
- EXHIBIT: Keelty, Ellison & The Media
- EXHIBIT: The Refused Independent Enquiry
- EXHIBIT: AFP Suppression Of The Secret Recording
- EXHIBIT: Enforcing The Government's Policy
- EXHIBIT: Continued Government Censorship
- EXHIBIT: A Formal Complaint
- EXHIBIT: Schapelle Corby - No Convictions, No Drug Links
21. The Opinion Management Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- REPORT: 3. The Commercial Media
- REPORT: 4. The Impact Upon The Australian Public
22. The Prison Abuse Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. Open Prison Abuses 2005
- REPORT: 3. Open Prison Abuses 2006
- REPORT: 4. Open Prison Abuses 2007
- REPORT: 5. Open Prison Abuses 2008
- REPORT: 6. Open Prison Abuses 2009
- REPORT: 7. Open Prison Abuses 2010
- REPORT: 8. Open Prison Abuses 2011
23. The Col Chapman Interview
- Covert Operations
- Phone Hacking
- Abuse In Prison
- Supporter Targeting
- Unaccountability
- Use Of Fabrications
- A Third Party Witness
24. The Politics Of Suppression
25. Abusive Broadcasting Methods
- A Letter To The ABC
- The ABC Parole Fabrication
- The Airbrushing Of News Reports
- Cross-Sectional Examples Of ABC Abuse
26. Presenting Fiction As Fact
- FreeMantleMedia & Nine Entertainment Co
- Dead Men Can't Sue: The Documentary
- Dead Men Can't Sue: Resources
- The Chronology Of David McHugh (Deceased)
- The Misappropriation Report
- The Copyright Verdict: Allen & Unwin
- The Defamation Judgement: Eamonn Duff And Allen & Unwin
- The Eamonn Duff And Allen & Unwin Defamation Case
- Fairfax Media: Abuses Of Schapelle Corby
27. Background: Australian Police Corruption
28. Your Letters To Canberra
29. The Quango Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. The Australian Communications & Media Authority
- REPORT: 3. The Advertising Standards Bureau
- REPORT: 4. The Human Rights Commission
- REPORT: 5 The Commonwealth Ombudsman
- REPORT: 6. The Governor-General
- REPORT: 7. Findings & Conclusions
30. The Mental Illness Report
- REPORT: 1. Introduction
- REPORT: 2. Schapelle Corby's Mental Illness
- REPORT: 3. The Government's Response
31. Schapelle Corby's Family
32. A Formal Crime Report (Domestic)
33. The Candidate Sources Report
34. Statement Of Operation
35. The Global Response
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Online Reviews
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Video & Audio
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Twenty-Five Hidden Truths
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Random Snapshots
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Other Sourced Articles
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: Viewer Comments
- GLOBAL RESPONSE: A Statement From Anonymous
36. Project Resources
- The Official Trailer
- Artists For Schapelle
- Public Service Announcement (PSA) Audio
- Activism: People For Schapelle Corby
- Poster Art
37. The Crime Report: The Response Of The State
- Nicola Roxon MP, Attorney-General
- The Australian Crime Commission
- The Australian Federal Police, Commissioner Tony Negus
- Minister Of Home Affairs & Justice, Jason Clare
- Queensland Police Service
- New South Wales Police, Commissioner Andrew Scipione
38. News & Updates
- The AAT Report
- The Taxpayer Funding Of AFP Censorship
- AFP Use Of Taxpayer Revenue: Sample Invoices
- The Australian Press Council
- The Diary Of Deceit
- The CIA & The Schapelle Corby Case
- The Use Of Wikipedia To Misrepresent Schapelle Corby
- Stratfor Global Intelligence & Schapelle Corby
- Governmental Awareness & Education Program
- Submission To The International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Jakarta: Supreme Court Judge - Corby Should Be Freed
- Schapelle Corby Finally Leaves Kerobokan
- Thirty Questions
39. Background Briefing: Business As Usual
40. The Mathaba Reports
- Media Censorship Of The Expendable Project
- Fairfax Media & The Gagging Of Schapelle Corby
- The Anatomy Of A Smear: News Corporation Versus Schapelle Corby
- Network Ten: The Renae Lawrence Fabrications
- Armed AFP Raids On Schapelle Corby Targets
- The Australian & The 50th Anniversary Fabrication
Of The Expendable Project