Governmental Awareness & Education Program

In June 2013, a third party initiative was launched to take the findings of The Expendable Project to governments and international institutions.

This ongoing program embraces the submission of an introduction to the main features of the case, with The Expendable Dossier either enclosed, or referred to via hypertext link. The document below, which was submitted to the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, serves as a typical example:

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Over the medium term, it is anticipated that this rolling endeavour will better inform the world’s media of the information which has been suppressed within Australia, and increase international awareness of the unremitting establishment hostility perpetrated against Schapelle Corby and her family.

Over the long term, the initiative may also facilitate a more accurate global view of the moral legitimacy of the position of the Australian government, on matters related to human rights, corruption, and national governance.

The information will be distributed directly to elected representatives within each nation-state, and to the custodians of office across relevant international organizations. The recipients will be provided with updates and new information on a continual and regular basis.

The Expendable Dossier

The representations will be made on behalf of the citizens of over 50 nations, who have individually submitted their details for inclusion.

See also:
Generic Submission Document (Google PDF)
Submission To The International Criminal Court (ICC)

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