On 10th June 2012, a member of the public, Dr Margaret Parke, sent the following letter to the majority of senior executives and board members of the ABC. The response of the ABC is documented beneath the letter itself
I am writing this note directly to you in the hope that you can personally intervene in a situation which is threatening to cause permanent damage to the ABC, and to discredit the nation as a whole. I refer to the long term activities of a number of ABC employees, with respect to the Schapelle Corby case. To the third party observer, it appears that the parameters of the ABC’s involvement were framed at board level in June 2005, when Janet Albrechtsen, who had recently appointed by John Howard, penned a shockingly hostile article for The Australian newspaper. From an historical perspective, that intervention set the tone for what was to follow from the ABC itself. The catalogue of evidence I could present is never ending, but I will provide just a handful of examples for your consideration. I am sure that you will agree that these are disturbing in the extreme. EXPENDABLE PROJECT REPORTS The attached report is one of many written by an international research group known as The Expendable Project. It is a good place to start, because it demonstrates a particularly clear case of misreporting. The ABC were forced to apologise for presenting allegations as fact, which, as you will see, hardly begins to address the self-evident problems. I should point out that, according to a Facebook group linked to The Expendable Project, further material covering the activities of Mr Stewart is to be published in the near future, including his association with Fairfax Media employee Eamonn Duff. This, however, represents a tiny fraction of the overall picture. RANDOM EXAMPLES Increasingly, we have seen ridicule of Schapelle Corby's family, insidiously alienating the public from them. We have seen stark misuse of production engineering, with dark sinister score on the appearance of family members. We have seen the use of clear propagandistic techniques with respect to language, an excellent example being the 3450 uses of the precise term "convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby" on the ABC website, which of course implies guilt and validity of a trial which breached so many international norms. Even this week we have seen Schapelle Corby supporters negatively misrepresented under the veil of "humour" (Micallef). The following are a tiny selection of the many videos made by members of the public to demonstrate these abuses: Direct hostility to family members: The language of opinion management: Presenting fiction as fact: Ridicule of the Corby family: Abusive production engineering: Hostile intervention in Indonesia Direct undermining of supporters: SYSTEMIC CENSORSHIP We have seen censorship on an alarming scale. You will, for instance, be unaware that a series of shocking emails, involving government ministers, were published some months ago on the internet, and continue to be published at periodic intervals. For example, one such interaction, between former Justice Minister Christopher Ellison and former AFP Commissioner Michael Keelty, discusses the fact that Schapelle Corby's boogie-board bag was the ONLY one not scanned at Sydney Airport. This vital information was withheld from her, and from the court. This discovery clearly constitutes a significant news story, yet it was not reported by the ABC. The same applies to the fact that her bags were checked-in underweight in Brisbane, but were subsequently found to be a handy 5kg overweight on the Qantas system (handy for the addition of a large bag of marijuana). Again, this is critical evidence, which the government of the day withheld, and which was never presented to the court. Again, this was not reported by the ABC. These are just two of countless examples. In all cases the ABC were notified multiple times when the information was first made public. Two weeks ago, in fact, a team of barristers produced a crime report with respect to the first of these particular examples. This relates to perversion of the course of justice, re Sections 43 and 44 of the Crimes Act, involving the individuals referred to. It was submitted to the police and to the Attorney-General. Again, this was not reported by the ABC. How many examples would you like? Despite the dozens of reports, and hundreds of startling AFP and ministerial emails being released, there has not been a single reference to The Expendable Project, or its work, by the ABC. Not one. You can readily compare this directly with the countless broadcasts promoting trivia, or negative spin. INTERVENTION There is sometimes a thin line between reporting the news, and direct intervention in the events which constitute the news. This is, apparently, an area which will be covered in depth by the project later, but even this week we have seen clear examples within Indonesia itself. Problematic reporting, particularly by Matt Brown, is not limited to the appalling example covered in the YouTube video above. Whilst the claims of "exclusive" caused amusement with respect to the (Jakarta) clemency story, which had been time stamped and published on Facebook hours earlier, the reports thereafter have been anything but amusing. A few days ago Brown used a phrase, "politicians are still agitating against the President's decision". However, it appears to many observers that the ABC is the party still "agitating" there. Apparently keen to report anything, however minor, which might have a detrimental impact upon Schapelle Corby's welfare, the ABC unit in Indonesia appears to have made a speciality of providing a platform for hostile views and players, creating credibility where there is little, and escalating the issues themselves. It has been openly accused, on social networks, of engaging a vendetta, or pressing an agenda. However, whatever the reasons for the disturbing pattern of reporting, it is hard to argue that these actions are not encouraging the agenda of those in that nation seeking to undermine Ms Corby's prospects of survival. This is a serious concern. THE WILLIAM MOSS AFFAIR With respect to the issue of direct intervention in shaping the news, and mysterious non-reporting, the recent case of William Moss provides another stark example. In 2005 Mr Moss made the claim that he had been approached to collect the marijuana found in Schapelle Corby's bag, from Sydney airport. Following a documented fall-out with the Daily Telegraph he was vilified by Media Watch of the ABC. He was affronted, and took legal action. Unfortunately for the ABC, in March 2012 The Expendable Project obtained and published the minutes of a meeting of the News South Wales Crime Commission, which revealed that a secret recording of Mr Moss from 2005 was corroborative of his story. The AFP have held that evidence ever since, and you will see the pattern I am sure - they have withheld it ever since. What did the ABC not do? They didn't report this startling development. Not even once. What did the ABC do? Within three days of this revelation, they settled with Mr Moss. A copy of the cheque is attached (from The Expendable Project website). A SURFACE SCRATCH The above examples represent a mere surface scratch of the ABC’s activities with respect to the Schapelle Corby case. There are countless cases like these. Countless issues of a grave and fundamental nature. However, I hope that I have provided a sufficient picture for you to understand the seriousness of the situation. We are surely well beyond the point at which this can be brushed under the carpet, or dealt with via internal disciplinary measures. Hence, my email to you. I would suggest that there are two urgent and pressing needs: • The first is the obvious need for third party investigation, possibly involving the police, of the matters I have raised above. Note that it has already been established and documented that the ACMA is not an appropriate party for involvement. • The second is the need to ensure fair and balanced reporting on this case in the future. INDEPENDENT INQUIRY I should point out that I am aware that Mark Scott, Managing Director of the ABC, has been approached by members of the public on a series of related matters over recent years, but apparently, has failed to act. This, of course, is extremely disappointing, but the matter has now escalated to the point at which an independent inquiry into the activities of the ABC, with respect to the Schapelle Corby case, is surely, and urgently, required. I look forward to hearing from you on the disturbing matters I have raised. Regards, Dr Margaret Parke |
The day after this was sent, it was posted on an ABC Facebook group. Former award winning ABC journalist, Halden Boyd, responded to the post:
"Well done... being a retired ABC news journo this sort of crap was condoned....and any journo who didn't toe the "political line" was castigated and threatened by management. Well done Dr Parke...a great piece of research....cheers Halden Boyd"

This was forwarded to the ABC's senior executives and board, as additional information, by Dr Parke, who also highlighted the disturbing failure of the ABC's internal complaints unit:
"I have been made aware of a number of complaints to your Audience and Consumer Affairs section, lodged over the years, by members of the public. These have invariably been dismissed, despite sometimes covering issues which are absolutely clear cut. Investigating the activity and functionality of this area would surely form part of the remit of any thorough and objective response to the issues raised" |
Only one response from the 40 emails sent was received. This was from Kate Dundas, Director of ABC Radio, whose terse reply referred the complaints to..... the ABC's Audience and Consumer Affairs section.
Within 24 hours, the ABC had also deleted Mr Boyd's comments from its Facebook group.
In addition, Dr Parke's letter was forwarded to Senator Stephen Conroy, whose portfolio included responsibility for the ABC. Senator Conroy again referred the correspondent to the ABC's Audience and Consumer Affairs section, and to the ACMA, a quango which simply liaises on the ABC's own code of practice, and only with respect to individual broadcasts:
This incestuous loop prevented any recourse with respect to the ABC's clearly documented position and agenda pertaining to Schapelle Corby. Yet again, the ABC had been shown to be wholly unaccountable.
Dr Parke collected email read receipts from those ABC board members, executives, and staff, whom she sent her complaint to. The following were provided to The Expendable Project as examples.
From: Danny Maratos [mailto:Maratos.Danny@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 22:58
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 9:58:26 PM UTC.
From: Julianne Schultz [mailto:schultzj@bigpond.net.au]
Sent: 12 June 2012 00:05
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Return Receipt (displayed) - URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to schultzj@bigpond.net.au.
Note: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was
displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the
recipient has read or understood the message contents.
From: Ross Peddlesden [mailto:Peddlesden.Ross@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 22:13
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 9:12:44 PM UTC.
From: Brooke Daniels [mailto:Daniels.Brooke@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 09:04
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 8:03:33 AM UTC.
From: Tony Macgregor [mailto:Macgregor.Tony@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 04:51
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 3:51:00 AM UTC.
From: Jennifer Ingall [mailto:Ingall.Jennifer@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 04:49
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 3:49:12 AM UTC.
From: Brian Jackson [mailto:Jackson.Brian@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 02:26
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 1:25:46 AM UTC.
From: Joanna Corbett [mailto:Corbett.Joanna@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 01:57
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 12:56:46 AM UTC.
From: Cameron Marshall [mailto:Marshall.Cameron@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 01:19
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Monday, 11 June 2012 12:18:46 AM UTC.
From: Kim Dalton [mailto:Dalton.Kim@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 00:53
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 11:53:30 PM UTC.
From: Ursula Groves [mailto:Groves.Ursula@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 00:40
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 11:39:37 PM UTC.
From: Paul Chadwick (Ed Pols) [mailto:Chadwick.Paul.A@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 00:34
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 11:34:23 PM UTC.
From: Lisa Walsh [mailto:Walsh.Lisa@abc.net.au]
Sent: 11 June 2012 00:31
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 11:30:43 PM UTC.
From: Kate Dundas [mailto:Dundas.Kate@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:59
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:58:53 PM UTC.
From: Geoff Duncan [mailto:Duncan.Geoff@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:47
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:46:54 PM UTC.
From: Lynley Marshall [mailto:Marshall.Lynley@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:29
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:29:05 PM UTC.
From: Richard Buckham [mailto:Buckham.Richard@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:23
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:23:25 PM UTC.
From: Deborah Leavitt [mailto:Leavitt.Deborah@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:09
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:08:55 PM UTC.
From: Sandra Winter-Dewhirst [mailto:Winter-Dewhirst.Sandra@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:06
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:05:37 PM UTC.
From: Peter Riley [mailto:Riley.Peter@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 23:04
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:04:11 PM UTC.
From: Kate Torney [mailto:Torney.Kate@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 22:01
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 9:00:31 PM UTC.
From: Stewart Brash [mailto:Brash.Stewart@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 21:01
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 8:01:12 PM UTC.
From: Michael Millett [mailto:Millett.Michael@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 20:52
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 7:52:20 PM UTC.
From: Mark Bowling [mailto:Bowling.Mark@abc.net.au]
Sent: 10 June 2012 18:47
To: Margaret Parke
Subject: Read: URGENT: Serious & Systemic Abuses At The ABC
Importance: High
Your message was read on Sunday, 10 June 2012 5:47:30 PM UTC.