The reality of its role is somewhat different.
With respect to the Schapelle Corby case, The Expendable Project demonstrates AFP corruption, complicity, and a clear political agenda. It demonstrates an agency obsessed with PR, and with little apparent interest in honest operational pursuit. The questions of how this situation was allowed to develop, and why it was never challenged, are therefore of significant and national importance.
The Whitewash Report provides the answers to these questions, through ACLEI's own reports and notes.
It shows that, following complaints relating to this case, the ACLEI investigation amounted to little more than the cursory scan of a database, and the provision and agreement of a script with the AFP itself. Incredibly, the consequential exoneration was then rubber stamped by a person who was actually a senior functionary of the Howard regime, when the Schapelle Corby case unfolded. Note also that, from a wider perspective, ACLEI have never recommended a single prosecution against any member of the Australian Federal Police.
CONTENTS 1 Introduction - The Complaint 2 The ACLEI Assessment 3. The Acting Integrity Commissioner 4. Findings % Conclusions Appendix |