The incident occurred just prior to her birthday, on 10th July. Ms Corby obtained the key to a cupboard in which her medicines were stored, and consumed over a weeks supply in a single dose.
Her cellmates did not report this initially, due to apprehension and fear, and she remained untreated on her cell floor. Whilst she survived the overdose itself, she was left without her essential psychotic medications, and consequently, her mental condition deteriorated rapidly.
Her sister, Mercedes Corby, discovered her in a highly distressed and delusional state on her subsequent visit, some days later. She immediately began the lengthy and difficult process of stabilizing her.
At no stage was she allowed to receive the urgent hospital treatment her condition required. It is not known what long term damage the excessive dose may have caused.
Subsequent medical opinion, obtained by the Hidden World Research Group, stated that this was almost certainly a serious suicide attempt. We passed the information on to the Australian government through several intermediaries.
However, as far as we have been able to establish, the government has taken no steps to assist Schapelle Corby, or her family. Furthermore, she has not been transferred to the medical facility that her condition certainly warrants.
Given the serious nature of this development, the Hidden World Research Group, and Hidden World Films, have taken the decision to release the project six months ahead of the original schedule. This will now be released over the coming weeks.
For further details, and to view the project trailer, please visit The Expendable Project website:
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